Monday, February 11, 2008

Men, Women, Love

It looks like we are about to get married but, in fact, we were about to marry another couple. Though we aren't, by any stretch of the imagination, into religion (see the Feb 8th blog posting), we are ordained ministers and we spent over three years as the ministers of a church. By far, our favorite pastoral activity is performing weddings. Conservatively I'd estimate that we've performed over 200 of them.

I know that we officiated at many of them because we only require one thing of the couples that we marry - that is that they love each other.

There are people who say that space is the last unexplored frontier; others say the ocean, still others maintain that the mind is the last unknown region in the universe. I maintain that the last unknown of any consequence is love. We are totally oblivious to the the glaring truth that men don't understand women, women don't understand men, and neither men or women understand love.

However, and we should be eternally grateful for this, lack of understanding doesn't stop us from making forays into the unknown and no matter how painful previous experiences were and how fiercely we deny any interest in another adventure in love we dive back in at the first opportunity.

Love is what makes the world go around and more - Love is God and God is Love.

Happy Valentine

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